Support the Greenwood Star community!
The Greenwood PTA has two major fundraisers this year: the fall Move-A-Thon and the Auction Gala in the spring. We use our raised funds to:
- Provide teachers with classroom stipends to ensure they don’t need to spend personal money on supplies and activities for our kids.
- Additional funding for our PE, art, instrumental music, and library programs. In the past, money has been used to replace gym mats, fund additional time with the music teacher and purchase new book sets (so kids aren’t left hanging wondering what happens in the next book of the series!).
- Paying for additional recess monitors to make sure our kids are safe while having fun AND give our teachers back a few moments to themselves (instead of also covering recess).
- All of the materials for our super cool STEAM lab and the Greenwood Elementary Garden! Kids get the chance to build robot mazes, plant and harvest food, and solve other cool challenges.
- Provide all the supplies for amazing, free community events like Movie Night, Dance Night, Math Night, the Science Fair, and more.
- Create funding for community grants: if YOU have a cool idea for our community, we already fundraised last year to make it happen!
There are so many more big and little things our PTA and your fundraising enable us to do – all of which add up to an incredible school community where kids thrive and teachers can work their magic!
See below for our full budget! Have a question about a line item? E-mail us at